View Profile rosered961

rosered961's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 48 (From 12 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 855 Points

When Goats Join Cults Demo

Medals Earned: 5/6 (210/310 points)

Boom! Roasted 10 Points

You were literally roasted.

So Close 25 Points

Secret handshakes are such a bummer.

You Are Naked And Stupid 25 Points

Put some clothes on. No one wants to see that.

Make Love, Not Goats 50 Points

Well, that was disgusting.

Hooray? 100 Points

You are officially a cannibal.

Shameless 100 Points

Please give me money. Please.

Where's Derpy?

Medals Earned: 5/6 (35/60 points)

Nom 5 Points

Find 16 muffins!

NomNom 5 Points

Find 32 muffins!

Oops, my bad! 5 Points

Destroy the town hall in the final level.

Attention Horse 10 Points

Find Lyra (or her sister) in 10 of the levels!

Golden Derp 10 Points

Complete the game!

Muuuffiiiins! 25 Points

Find 48 muffins!